Build your comfort right away!
Landscaping, irrigation design & gardening service you can trust.
Leaders in quality landscaping, garden maintenance, plot clearance, alien invasive plant eradication and more…
About Us
Vezimvelo Horticulture is a young, dynamic and proudly South African Landscaping Company based in Cape Town. Mr I.V Tshabalala, current MD and founder established Vezimvelo in January 2012, and has a passion for Gardening, Horticulture and Conservation.
Our Services
Vezimvelo Horticulture has the ability to deliver world class horticultural functions, these functions are uniquely designed for each client in order to suit their hearts…
Tree Felling
Lawn Doctor
Turf Management
Lawns are mowed professionally including edging of lawns around trees and other garden features. Applying the correct application to your lawn at the right time of the year will enhance the health and presentation of your lawn and your garden will look great and increase the appeal and value of your property…
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Dear Sir or Madam REFERENCE IAN TSHABALALA Ian Tshabalala was employed by Real Landscapes and Turftek in the position of Site Manager at our Cape Town Branch from February 2006… Read full testimonial
Servest Landscaping
Cindy Merrick – General Manager
Ian Vusumuzi Tshabalala has been working for the Burgundy Estate where he has proved to be an asset to the management team: Ian has proved himself as a loyal, Honest,… Read full testimonial
R&R Turf Care Consultants
Raymond Burt
This letter serves to confirm that Ian Vusumuzi Tshabalala has been working on contract at Bougain Villas Estate as service manager for over a year between 2007 & 08. During… Read full testimonial
Stewart Nolan – Estate manager
I am writing to tell you how impressed I was with the service provided to me by Vezimvelo Horticulture. At the time I owned a large plot of land upper… Read full testimonial
Jeff Boekstein
I immediately emailed her the note and within five minutes as she had promised, I received a copy of the email she had sent out to your members and about… Read full testimonial
Basil Fester
Chairperson Ria Abel Home for the Aged